Y(dot) BY NORDISK(ワイドット バイ ノルディスク)。


Born in 1983 by a couple of mountaineers, Y(dot) BY NORDISK is currently headquartered in Denmark and has a creative base in Japan.
Beginning with products using Crystal Down, which has been the brand's identity since its founding, we make full use of the technology we have cultivated to pursue the "comfort" unique to the brand while thinking about the diverse modern lifestyles . We have developed a lineup that is functional enough to withstand extreme natural environments and suitable for city use. Products created based on a unique aesthetic that integrates functionality and life are designed against the backdrop of a lifestyle that coexists with nature.

デンマーク本社では世界で最も寒い地域を探検する遠征用の装備を開発しているため、Y(dot) BY NORDISKのすべてのダウン製品には最高級で最もボリュームのあるヨーロッパ産ダウンを厳選したクリスタルダウン®が充填されています。クリスタル ダウン® は、最大 4 cm の巨大な直径と白くふわふわしたダウンボールを持ち、空気を閉じ込めて最適な断熱性を確保します。わずか 1 グラムで最大 1,000 個のクリスタル ダウン® が必要です。


・RDS や IDFL などの社内および国際規格によって認定。

We develop equipment for expeditions exploring the coldest area s of the world and therefore, all our products are filled with Crystal Down® ‒ a selection of the absolute finest an d most voluminous European down. A single Crystal Down® has a huge diameter of up to 4 cm and white fluffy ”arms” to entrap air and ensure optimal insula - tion. It takes up to 1000 pieces of Crystal Down® to reach just 1 gram of filling.
Down is the greatest, lightest and most natural insulation mate rial known to man. Keeping waterbirds warm all winter and still light enough to fly, down are complex structure s with thousands and thousands of super-soft, keratin filaments that grow radially outwards from a tiny centre.
Not only will down insulation keep you warmer and lighter than any synthetic alternative, it also compresses much better, leaving you warm, with more space in your pack and feel ing light enough to fly.

We take great pride in ensuring the sustainability of nature and production processes, and for more than 20 years we have adhered to a very strict internal code of ethics to pro tect animal welfare and yes quality.
It is stringent compared to international certificates and regul ations, and all down is 100% traceable. The down we handle is only European down, and feather collection is not don e from live birds. Consumers are becoming
increasingly concerned about animal welfare and raw materials.

・An upcycled residual product from food production
・Certified by internal and international standards, such as the RDS, and the IDFL
・From birds with unrestricted access to healthy food, water, sh elter and light.
・A European production
・From a flock with restricted and monitored density
・Handled and transported with care